EU Climate Pact Launch Event
Oxygono with the support of the European Committee representation in Cyprus held on 19 October 2021 an Online Event for European Climate Pact.
The discussion was moderated on behalf of Oxygono by Nikolas Papachristoforou with the participation of: Marina Kyriakou (Architect & Urban Planner, Cyprus Energy Agency), Dr. Theodoulou Mesimeri (Head of Climate Action Unit, Department of Environment), Aspasia Christodoulou (Communications and PR for Let’s do it Campaign) and Dr, Nestor Fylaktos (Associate Research Scientist, The Cyprus Institute).
Participants were invited to share with the public their views on Sustainable Mobility and Sustainable ShoppingAll participants stressed the need to implement the relevant national strategies as well as the importance of taking individual initiative, the need for a "bottom-up" approach and substantial changes in culture.

In her welcoming opening statement the Environment Commissioner Clelia Vassiliou tressed that the effort and the debate on the environment concern everyone, emphasizing that «there is no one who should remain indifferent or indifferent to the debate on the climate, in terms of the action of each of us in everyday life, in our small or big habits, in the choices we make every day, because these are what define the weight we give in practice and in the result of reducing the effects of climate change ».
Regarding the action of her Office, Ms. Vassiliou referred to the effort, in collaboration with the academic community, to simplify the terms used and to inform students that«no science is indifferent to the environment, no one can remain indifferent to this discussion».».
On the Pact and the European Green Deal
The EU Climate Pact is an initiative of the European Committee part of the European Green Deal, that aims to help the EU meet its goal of becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050. The Green Deal aims to make the EU economy more sustainable, turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities, ensuring this transition is fair and inclusive.
Information for editors
The Launch Event for the European Climate Pact is the first in a series of events and activities organized by Oxygono as the National Coordinator for the Pact in Cyprus of the objectives of the initiative. The aim of the local actions, with the participation of the local ambassadors for the Climate Pact, is to activate the citizens, to be informed about how their action contributes to something better, to get practical advice and to know how they can act for the climate.
For more info
Nikolas Papachristoforou (Oxygono)
Kypros Savva (Ampersand)