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Oxygono acts as a forum for discussing various issues, whereby the forum is promoted to the decision-making centers, and does not express or hold a specific point of view. In all events organized by Oxygono, participants are selected based on specific criteria such as professional and academic reputation, originality of ideas, decision-making power, ability to influence, political and moral correctness, and age and gender equality. Furthermore, Oxygono events are held following a specific set of rules. These rules ensure the mutual respect of the speakers, the quality of the dialogue, and the time limits of discussion.
Oxygono, without expressing an opinion and without taking a position can support other events organized by other organizations wishing to use the Oxygono event forum template. Oxygono can support events that share the same ethical values as Oxygono, in the form of Powered by Oxygono.
Συζήτηση για το Κυπριακό στο Πανεπιστήμιο Λευκωσίας
A proposal for a normal state
Ώρα: 17:30
Χώρος: UNESCO Amphitheatre, Europa Building University of Nicosia